The Vice President of the World Pilates Confederation( WPC ), Iman Mottaghiannejad has been choosen as one of the creative thinkers to design ideas to promote Pilates during Covid-19 period by WPC President .

Kathy Corey ,WPC President , officially expressed the appreciation towards Mottaghiannejad and Iranian team efforts in regards to successful implementation of a concept under the name of ” Pilates & Family” that introduced and linked Iranian Pilates Followers in virtual worlds.

She also admired the strategic approches and technical knowledge behined of this concept and its successful implementation that consists of ongoing knowledge improvment via on line training with world wide instructors and using Mass media and public telecommunications to introduce this filed to Pilates lovers in Iran , etc .
Consequently , according to WPC Board of Directors ; Iman Mottaghiannejad and his team has been called as one of the most active and creative teams who have followed the World Health Organization (WHO) standards to cope with Covid -19 condition in this filed .

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