Hello, my name is Kathy Corey, the president of the World Pilates Confederation. I know this is a difficult time for all of us around the world and I want to encourage you to stay home and stay safe. I also want to encourage you to continue your pilates practice. There are many online classes available today thorough many maniy excellent teachers.
I also want to take this time to thank Iman Mottaghian for his work and help and support in promoting pilates technic around the world.
Our slogan is “Pilates is My Life” and I hope you would join me and making your short video about why pilates is your life and posting it on social media.
Pilates is My Life because it helps me to impraise the changes and challenges this year has brought to me,my family and all of us around the world.
I once again encourage you to follow the health protocols and stay safe but also to enjoy your pilates because our work is very very important and very helpful in this time in mind, body and spirit. Thank you.
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